Sounds like the 18Sr to me! It's not very pretty but it does pass.
I didn't know what was wrong when we went through it. She'd always slept really well up until this point, so I really thought there was something 'wrong'. I ended APing which when I realised that there was nothing 'actually' wrong with her, I had to work very hard to undo.
So what to do? Looking at your day, it's seems to me I be good so inwouldnt tinker with that. When you come out of the other end of the SR you may need to review your routine depending on how things have ridden out yk.
IMO and ime, you need to stick as closely to your LOs routine as he will allow and manage any OT resultant from the NW.
Re: the NW - personally I would refuse it. You know your LO is not hungry, just being a monkey really. So treat it as that. Be reassuring whilst refusing and tell him it's night nights time (or whatever your sleepy phrase is) and that he can have milky when it's morning time. R I know would kick off this point - we managed this with WI/WO as she's always IS, as painful and loud as it sounded at silly o'clock. It worked!
So what do you think?