Author Topic: 10 mo old eating like a toddler  (Read 1386 times)

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10 mo old eating like a toddler
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:19:09 am »
DS is not even officially 10 mos yet and he's eating as much as his older sister. He loves food and has developed chewing and picking up finger foods from very early on. He's more and more interested in eating the same foods we eat but I'm worried about salt content. Should I still stay away from spaghetti sauces, lunch meats, processed cheeses (although he loved eating a grilled cheese at Nana's)? I saw my friend give her 13 mo old a slice of pizza to eat. I have never considered pizza bc of the salt and oils. Are those foods ok? DS gets upset when he can't eat what I'm eating and he's not falling for the piece of cereal or bread any more. I used to give him a bite of that instead of my food. I'm not too worried about his milk intake because he's still having 3-4 bottles/sippys. He is eating plenty of fruits and veggies as well as whole grains. Generally at each meal he has about 3/4 cup of food total. I'd just like to know what foods are ok for him to occasionally have for meals.

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Re: 10 mo old eating like a toddler
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2014, 07:24:46 am »
I would still be very careful of processed foods, especially the salt content.  It does depend on what your LO is having throughout the day, not just at one meal, so it *might* be possible to have a taste of something you are having which you wouldn’t ordinarily give him. For instance when we went out to a restaurant I would make sure that DS didn't have salt in anything else at all that day so he could have a small portion of food whilst we were out, I wouldn't have done that every day though.
I always gave DS what I was eating but changed my cooking so that foods were zero or low salt and I knew how much of a portion would be ok. (for instance regular shop bought bread is high in salt in the UK so I worked out a half slice per day was the max DS could have with say a tablespoon of canned beans in sauce - a meal I would very rarely give but did once in a while).

You could make spaghetti sauces and pizza in a healthy low salt way for the whole family rather than using processed foods. A plain pizza base or something like a flat bread with tom puree, cheese, and various toppings for instance would be fine for LO where as a shop-bought pizza may be more processed and higher salt than what you could make at home with store cupboard ingredients.

There's quite a different between a 10 month and 13 month old so although I don't feel there is anything wrong with pizza or pasta sauce (just a small portion occasionally if processed, more often if home made and healthier) I also wouldn't be too influenced by what another parent is feeding their child. A 13 month old has double the salt allowance of a 10 month old, which is quite significant.