Author Topic: 9 month old - weaning from breast. To cup or bottle?  (Read 1259 times)

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9 month old - weaning from breast. To cup or bottle?
« on: July 20, 2014, 18:00:10 pm »
Thinking about weaning my 9 month old from the breast. He has been ebf since about 2 months, and hasnt really had a bottle since then.  He has taken to solids well. He is drinking water from a sippy cup, and is pretty good but i dont think he is sooo good he could get 16oz of formula a day.

Should I go to a bottle or a cup for weaning? I have given him a bottle (casually), and he gums it like a teething toy.....

Offline natashalil

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Re: 9 month old - weaning from breast. To cup or bottle?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2014, 18:01:11 pm »
oh also - we are going on a 3 week trip in 2 weeks. Is it even a good time? We will be with family - will it help to have grandma introduce the bottle or sippy with formula? Or do I wait till we get back?

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Re: 9 month old - weaning from breast. To cup or bottle?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2014, 12:46:33 pm »
I would stick to the cup - you will be weaning bottles in a few month, so if he isn't used to a bottle there's probably not much point in getting him used to a bottle and then having to change to a cup. You could try a straw cup, breastfed babies seem to do better with that type of cup.

I'll also move you over to the breast feeding board as there will be more experience over there!


Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 9 month old - weaning from breast. To cup or bottle?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2014, 15:09:35 pm »
I wouldn't bother with a bottle at this point either. As for trying on holidays, depending on your lo's temperment that just might work to have someone else try the cup first. My kids always seemed more apt to try something new for someone else!

Offline Mrsb3

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Re: 9 month old - weaning from breast. To cup or bottle?
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2014, 16:35:38 pm »
Hi, you might not be weaning from bottle in a few months. My son is 13 month and I have no plans to get rid of his bot bot just yet. My eldest boy now 14 with perfect teeth had his bottle until about 2! Well, just before his 2nd birthday. So if your relaxed about stuff like that I would say bottle as it's closer to a nipple than a sippy cup. That said, he might not take the bottle some just don't and he might like the sippy cup better. Its trial and terror I would say.  Gl

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Re: 9 month old - weaning from breast. To cup or bottle?
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2014, 08:40:41 am »
I'd stick with a cup, especially since you aren't desperate to wean very quickly from the sounds of it.
I'd probably be tempted to breast feed until 12mo so you don't even have to use formula and worry about him drinking certain amounts but obviously that is a very personal decision for you and I don't know you're reasons for wanting to switch to formula. :)
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