My LO started at daycare last week and has been struggling with separation anxiety ever since. He has always been put down in his crib awake for naps and bedtime but now just stands in the corner crying. He's not napped since Wednesday, we've been leaving him up there for 90 minutes (as long as the crying doesn't get too intense) but he just stands there the whole time and at bedtime, for a few nights it took 45 minutes but he did eventually fall asleep (sitting up in the corner) but last night, I presume with extreme OT, he stood there for 90 minutes, crying on and off, so I had to intervene and wait in the room while he fell asleep. I don't really want to be doing this as it feels I'm creating a new problem through solving the other one.
His schedule was:
Nap 12:00-2:00
BT 7:15-7:30
His sleep was fine until the day after we left him at daycare for the first time. I'm not sure what to do now as he can't continue without napping as he's exhausted and it really shows in his behavior.
Just as a side note, he only sleeps in his crib, not in the car or pram.
Any help would be appreciated as I'm really desperate. I just want my happy little boy back.