My lo has never slept more than half 30/45 min in naps. Now that he's 3.5mo I am trying to teach him to extend naps. I have started at the beginning of this week, and it's very hard and I am losing hope. I have almost no time for me and whuoe doing this training I am also locked at home, so my mood is very low. Will he ever become an indeoendend sleeper?
I have three issues: first paci, second sometimes he screams like hell when I put him in his crib, third extending his naps.
He's not an independent sleeper, I need to keep my hand on his chest and a paci in his mouth in order to allow him to sleep.
First of all, he seems to like his paci, but he is not able (not willing?) to keep the paci in his mouth. I need to gently keep it in his mouth otherwise he lets it drop. If the paci drops when he's not full asleep he starts sucking his fists, rubbing his eyes and slamming his legs on the mattress awakening himself. He seems to get angry when sucking his fists, while the paci calms him down almost immediately. What did I do wrong with the paci?
Then sometimes he screams when I put him in his crib. He always sleeps in the crib when at home, both for naps and during the night. He sometimes plays into his crib and I never tried CIO. I did the quiz and my lo is a textbook baby. I agree with the result because understanding his cues is pretty easy. But not for these screams. When screaming this way usually at some point he accepts the paci and starts to calm down. I double check everything (pain? Discomfort? Wet?) but everything is all right. When I pick him up, he eventually stops crying with shush-pat, and buries his head in my shoulder. But putting him down triggers screams. Why is doing this? What can I do? It's very hard listening to his cries feeling not able to calm him down...
And on top of these, extending his naps. He wakes up after 30 or 45 min, so I am trying to be there when he stirs. When I put the pacifier in his mouth he stops stirring and calms down, even if I have to keep the paci in his mouth for 10 or 20 min before he falls asleep again. And sometimes he does not fall asleep again at all.
When I do not insert the paci, he sucks his fists and rubs his eyes until he wakes up himself. What should I do better than this to make him learn to fall again asleep?
Thank you for any help and sorry for the long post