My husband and I are moving across the country in 3 weeks. I made another post about his teething a few days ago. He is getting his bottom canines in and has been having a much harder time before bed than he was with his too ones...why is that? I would think the pain would be the same?? Anyway, were going to be staying in hotels along the way and I'm wondering how to sleep with him. I made a reservation for a hotel that has a 2 room suite so I can close the door and treat it like his room. Ive traveled with him before and he did horribly in the hotels but did ok once we got to my moms house. He is an independent sleeper and will wave good night to me after being tucked in, but the last few nights have been horrible trying to get him to sleep. He just wants to nurse all night long.
Sorry, that's not the real question...I guess I'm just looking for tips on how I make the traveling and sleeping easier especially since I'll need to get sleep to drive the next day. I know to try and keep things the same and use his sleep toys, night light, blanket, etc.