Author Topic: Whats your 12WO EASY routine like  (Read 974 times)

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Offline 1stimer

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Whats your 12WO EASY routine like
« on: September 09, 2014, 20:48:44 pm »
I was pretty go with the flow for DS since he was 6 weeks early and even now im trying to go with the flow but I think that's more of me not wanting to acknowledge that hes getting older and really does need a routine. Ive posted his easy before but its always estimates with no real routine except that his BT is usually around 730. His naps during the day are often choppy...30 min-45 but he will usually resettle but will need me to resettle him for the rest of the nap every so often or, like today, ill hold him and he will sleep for 2 solid hours. Night time as of late has been rough as well...still feeding every 2 hrs..sometimes ill get 3 hrs but hes also been waking every 1.5 hrs and ill resettle him with his paci but ill have to do it every 10 15 or 20 minutes until its time for him to eat again so basically im exhausted. I just wanted to see examples of what someone elses was like to see if we are anywhere near where we should be...


Offline jessmum46

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Re: Whats your 12WO EASY routine like
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2014, 09:57:46 am »
There are some sample routines here: chronological EASY samples, 0-3 months

Don't forget your LO is only 6 weeks corrected so developmentally and probably A time-wise you will need to take that into account :). Very few babies will have a stable predictable routine at such an early stage so keeping a rough EAS structure in mind but being prepared to go with the flow is probably a good approach for now x

Offline 1stimer

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Re: Whats your 12WO EASY routine like
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2014, 16:04:10 pm »
Thanks katherine...Dd was spirited but textbook on milestones so I'm so turned around with ds!
