Hi, I have been lurking for a while but I am hoping you can help.
Bit of background - my DS is 16 months, he is on Omeprazole for silent reflux and is dairy free. He woke hourly until 9 months ish and then 3 hourly until he learnt to self settle at 12 months and he now mostly only wakes one or twice a night. He is/was a very high needs spirited boy, he never stays still for more than a minute!
Anyway, since he reached 12 months ish he started taking 2hours+ to go to bed at night. I thought this was a sign he needed to drop to one nap as he was also fighting his second nap and quite often would have one nap at 9-10 and stay up until 6 if he refused his afternoon nap.
We swayed between one nap and two for a couple of months but now in the last month or so I decided to give up on the second nap completely.
The main problem with this is he is a 5am waker and really struggles to make it past 10am so we have been doing 10-12 nap and 6pm bedtime. But even with one nap it is taking at least an hour to nap and two hours to bed. I am also lucky if he sleeps for more than an hour for a nap most daays.
The other problem we have is at least 4/7 nights a week he will be awake for 2hours during the night somewhere between 12-4. This has been going on since the 9 month sleep regression. He doesn't want to play he tries to fall asleep but it just takes forever.
And lastly since the taking forever to go to bed thing, he hates bedtime as soon as I say bedtime he starts crying, he won't even let me read a story :-(.
Sorry this is long, I am at my wits end I don't know how to fix things!