hi there,
I need a bit of advice and reassurance. my DD started walking properly 1 week ago and since then she is getting really tired. as a result she has many NW and is grumpy during the day. prior to this we had a great routine:
WU 7am
nap 11.30 usually for 1-2 hrs, mostly 1.5 hrs
BT 7.15ish
over the last few days my DD was shattered by 6pm and we got her into bed but it appeared she was already OT by then. last night in particularly she woke up every 30 mins to an hr in the first hours after BT and she woke then frequently throughout the night. now I am wondering if we should revert back to 2 naps to fight this issue? the problem is that she is at daycare 4 days per week and they nap there at 11.30. this would make a second nap really late, like 4.30 or so, if she takes it at all. any other suggestions? BT at 6pm? Im afraid that she will start getting up at 6am or earlier then again. we had those early wakings for a very long time...
have others the same experience with OT when baba started walking? and what did you do?
thanks, fran