Hi there,
first of all, just to say that I'm going to move this post over to Toddler Sleep as your LO is over 12 mos.
Reading your post, I'm not entirely sure what the problem is. As I understand it, your LO was used to helping herself to a paci at night. You decided it was time to get rid of them and removed them from her crib. She woke up several times, looking for comfort. That's perfectly normal given that you've removed something she was used to, things have changed a lot for her. I think your choice now is either to go through these first nights without a paci, offer lots of reassurance and comfort, and hope that her sleep improves in a week or two, or you can give her back a paci. It really is up to you.
I wouldn't get into reading stories in the middle of the night, though, I would simply tell her it is time to sleep, give her a kiss/cuddle/backrub, and help her get back to sleep.