Author Topic: Help... Baby refuses to take bottle :(  (Read 1715 times)

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Offline nanavel

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Help... Baby refuses to take bottle :(
« on: August 26, 2014, 13:32:42 pm »
Hello everyone,

I am not sure if there is a similar topic to this one or not ... I looked in the first 2 pages but found nothing... I hope i am not crossing forum rules for writing same topic again... but that's the least of of my concern now.

when my baby was born he was taken away from and he was bottle fed for 9 hours... ofcourse, i was also successful breastfeeding him.. so i was feeding him mixture of both sometimes my milk and sometimes formula. until about he was 3 months old.. my father told me to stop giving him formula ... and stupid me..I stopped giving him formula and bottle altogether without thinking that within a month and a half my college will start again and i have to leave him home to my sister. I didnt bottle feed him for about 20 days... and he forgot bottle and the formula.

now I am trying to make him get used to it again but he just swore to god that: " no matter what you do you will never make me drink from bottle again " I have only 20 days left for my college to start and I have tried Almost everything I read everywhere on the internet to make him get used to bottle. He just wont !! I even tried to make him go hungry and that he probably take it from the bottle ...not working either !!

the last thing remaining which i doubt that its going to work >> changing bottles and getting new bottle nipples ....

Also, is it ok if I let him go hungry from 6 am till 2 pm that's like 9 hours ?? or maybe I should give him milk in syringe ?? the thing is I dont know how much tolerance my sister has ... what if she refused to take care of the baby because he cries to her. I have no one else to leave my child to while I am in university... I need to get him on bottle as soon as possible ... anyone else having similar problem ? what did you do ?

Offline zeri

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Re: Help... Baby refuses to take bottle :(
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2014, 19:49:42 pm »
could you tell us how old your son is? From your post I am thinking he is about 4 months but that could be incorrect.
If he took a bottle just 20 days ago, then I think that there might be something else causing his refusal. I don't think he would forget. Could it be that he doesn't like the formula now,  have you tried expressed breast milk in a bottle? If not, try changing the nipples / bottle etc. Maybe he is getting frustrated if the flow is too fast/slow.

My DS did refuse the bottle but he was exclusively breast-fed - we tried and tried and no luck. We ended up just giving him a sippy cup at around 6/7 months, and he still didn't take a bottle until he was 11 months! And then he refused to give it up ::)


Spirited Gigglet 2008         Sweet Pickle 2010

Offline nanavel

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Re: Help... Baby refuses to take bottle :(
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2014, 18:21:06 pm »
hello zeri,

thanks for the reply .. he will be 4 months old after a week. I tried both to give him my own milk in the bottle and also other times formula but he refused both... I wanted to try to change nipples but my family and husband just gave up and they keep telling me that it wont do any magic.. I have tried both slow flow teats and fast flow... he refused them both..

I wanted to buy a sippy cup but don't you think at 4 months he is too young for sippy cup ??

I bought syringes to feed him while he is awake to train him for when I am about to leave for my college... I dont know anything about sippy cup... If you think I can train him with that .. then I am definitely going for it..    Anything to keep him full during the day.

Offline zeri

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Re: Help... Baby refuses to take bottle :(
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2014, 02:04:39 am »
I fed dd ebm with a small (very small, like for giving medicine) cut at the hospital's advice when she was a newborn, because she wasn't latching well. with DS we took the filter out of a sippy cup so it was free flow, and fed him carefully. We held the cup for him.

Spirited Gigglet 2008         Sweet Pickle 2010