Author Topic: 10 week old fighting naps  (Read 902 times)

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10 week old fighting naps
« on: September 05, 2014, 14:41:03 pm »
I am having a really hard time putting my baby down to nap - he seems to fight it almost every time.  It is exhausting as he is getting heavy and is a strong little fighter!
I have played with the awake times, and gone from putting him down before he yawns to after the second yawn etc.  Nothing really seems to help.
He was napping better - we could get a few 45min naps and 1 over 1 hour a we are lucky if he sleeps 20 mins at each nap time.

He was doing OK at putting himself to sleep -  now that is a rare occurrence. 
He sometimes wakes from naps smiling and happy and at other times he is screaming and the only way to calm him down is to nurse.

We are doing all the things we shouldn't just to get him to nap - rocking, bouncing, putting him in the swing if he wakes to extend naps (which sometimes works - he can sleep a long time in the swing).

Any advice?

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Re: 10 week old fighting naps
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2014, 03:42:52 am »
Hugs for you!  This is a difficult time for naps.  We actually encourage most parents to hold off on sleep training until their baby is at least 3months old, just because things are a little wonky in the beginning. To add to that, short naps become quite common around 4-6 months.  It could just be that your LO is bucking the trend by a few weeks!
Having said all that, if you need to put your LO in a swing/sling/stroller to get him to sleep, go for it.  There's really nothing that cannot be fixed in the future, especially when they're so young.  A white noise machine is also very helpful, if you don't have one already.