Well... I'm trying to go with the three hour schedule. And was originally trying for something like:
7:00-7:30 Eat, diaper, etc
7:30-8:30 Awake- tummy time, swing, me playing with him supported sit up, toys, walk in the stroller, (not all these in an hour, just whatever works)
8:30am wind down and try to sleep
But since we can't get an 1.5hr nap, we were trying to either go in to settle back to sleep, or hold for more nap after he woke up, or simply delaying the next eat for at least a half hour to get to 9:30 or 10am.
What we really got (going back to a "good" day last Saturday and Sunday was something like:
7:41am -8:13 Eat
Super huge blowout diaper meant a bath at 9am and an extra long awake time
9:41-11:07am Sleep THIS WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!
11:09-11:25 Eat
11:25-12:43 Awake
12:43-1:38 Sleep (I went in at the 30 minute mark when he woke up and held him for the second part of the nap.
I then switched with my husband and left house, and it all went down hill from there!
TODAY I had good intentions of putting down after a shorter Awake time, and it sort of backfired.
7:22-7:39 Eat
7:40-8:30 Awake
Started to wind down here, turned off just one light in room, sang lullabies
8:40 Tried to put down after upright hold and shush pat (still trying it!) He kicked and talked and was wide awake (I had seen eye rubbing earlier so thought we were good, but the minute he hit the crib it was like he was ready to run a marathon!)
8:55 Finally fed him to sleep since his fussiness turned to shouting then to crying
He only slept 45 minutes
I feel like we have a chicken or egg problem. He needs to learn to sleep better, as in fall asleep on his own (no nursing, no rocking to sleep) and sleep longer than 30-45 minutes. But he can't handle that when he's over tired, so one way or another I need him to sleep. So I get sleep at any cost, but it keeps building the habits of co-sleeping for naps, or nursing to sleep.
The new problem is him being SO resistant to sleep. I can't even rock or bounce him to sleep anymore. So I don't believe the schedule that I'm trying is making him over tired, but I do think that he's ended up over tired the last few days because it has been so hard to put him down that he'll end up awake for a long time. We gave up trying the other night and put him in the swing to eat dinner, so times like that he ends up awake much longer than the 1 to 2 hours.
Does one night of good sleep reset the overtired button? How can I start over with this?