Have you read any of Tracy's books at all?
Her method is one of an EASY plan. That's eat, activity, sleep, you time. Always in that order. (Except when the LO's get older then it might be EEASY, or even EAEASY).
The idea is not to feed to sleep and concentrate on teaching your LO how to self-settle for naps and BT. We do not support cry it out in any which shape or form on this site as Tracy believed this broke the bond of trust between a baby and its caregiver. Tracy and we believe that your presence will eventually help teach them to self settle. This means using ssh/pat (the link I posted before).
I would aim for the first nap to be around 2hrs after waking for the day. I would feed on waking, do 2hr activity then try and settle in the cot without feeding to sleep. This may mean ssh/patting for a little while, just please be with him in the beginning stages as some crying is to be expected when you change what he's used to.
I would aim on getting at least 2 good naps of 1.5hrs and a CN of around 45mins at this age with a day length no longer than 12.5hrs total.
So something like this:
Wu 6.30
A 2hrs
S 8.30-10
A 2hrs
S 12-1.30
A 1hr 45 (so you get an UT nap)(this may take some tweaking as some lo's won't go down before a full A time)
S 3.15-4
A 2 hrs
S 6
If he wakes before 4hrs after BT I'd try and settle using ssh/pat. Afterwards, I would feed. Then again for any subsequent WU's in the night.
I'll be back in a mo to post some more links for you to read through. Please do take the time to look through them as they're very helpful and are taken directly from Tracy's book.
How does all this sound otherwise?
Starting EASY - all you need to know and more!Starting E.A.S.Y. at Four Months or OlderResearch on why 'cry it out' and 'controlled crying' is NOT recommended!