Max is almost 11 months, and I'm not sure what is up. He is usually an angel sleeper, so I know something must need tweaking.
Up until recently, he was on a "floating" schedule, depending what time he woke in the morning:
6:30 Awake
7:15 Eat (solids)
8:15 Bottle/Sleep
10:30 Awake
11:15 Eat (solids)
12:30 Bottle/Sleep
2:30 Awake
6:00 Bedtime Routine
Now, his naps are becoming erratic. At first I thought it was teeth, but he never got any. Then I thought it was an adjustment to eating solids (he's offended by the puree stuff
), but that's not it either.
Today, and most recent days, look like this:
5:50 Awake, snooze on and off until 7
7:00 Up for the morning
7:15 Eat (solids)
8:30 Bottle/Nap
10:00 Awake
11:15 Eat (solids)
12:15 Bottle/Nap
1:15 Awake!
It has been awful trying to keep him happy until bedtime with that second nap being almost nonexistent. I can't imagine he'd get through a morning without a nap at all, but I have no idea what needs to change. Is this a common growth spurt? I can't remember much troubleshooting from his older brothers, but I do know that they both kept two naps until about 18 months. Any advice would be amazing! I'm going crazy with this baby who loves his sleep yet won't do it!