My lo is almost 11 months and for the last 3 weeks has been waking early between 5 & 5:45 and has been taking 40-50 min naps half the time. The other half she does either her normal 1 hr and 10 min, or sometimes a 1:30 or 2 hr if she's really overtired. the last few days she's fought her afternoon nap, screaming as soon as I walk in the nursery, screaming as I try to rock her and she usually goes down independently for naps so it's really strange.
A 5:30
E nurse 5:30-6:30 in bed w me
E 7:00 solids
S 9:30
E 10:30 nurse (approximate time depending on nap length)
E 11:30 solids
S 2:00 (if she takes a normal nap) she has fought this nap until 3:45-4 A handful of times
E 3:00 nurse
E 4:30 snacks
E 5:30 solids ( I've been playing with dinner time, was 5, then moved out to 6, now trying 5:30)
7:00 books, bath
E 7:30 nurse
S 7:45 bed
My question is does this seem like a 2 to 1 transition? She is teething (molars) and she is ravenous indicating a growth spurt. I know those things can affect sleep so I'm just wondering how do I know for certain whether I should try to transition her to one nap?