My DD is 14 months (next week). Up until a couple of weeks ago, she has been sleeping well through the night and waking at 6:00 or latter (we usually would wake her by 6:20 if not up by then).
Lately she has been having more and more early wakings. Usually around 5:30, sometimes earlier (5:20) and sometimes a bit latter. In addition, she also wakes up sometimes during the night (part of the times we do not go in and she settles down herself, but sometimes we will go in and this can take several minutes).
In general she is usually a happy baby that likes to play. she is very friendly and enjoys her day care.
We had a two week summer break from day care during August and we (either me or my husband) were with her at home. She resumed day care on Sep. 1st and she enjoys it but is unhappy when we leave (obviously).
She very much knows what she wants and although she does not really speak yet (just a couple of words), she is very expressive and can be very upset at times. This can be during supper or when going to sleep.
She used to go to sleep easy but lately this has been a bit hard too...
My concern is that she is not getting enough sleep and she is very tired during the day and then she gets cranky quickly.
She is cutting out the morning nap since her age group in day care has1 nap (13:00-15:00).
In addition, On Oct 26th we are changing the clock from daylight saving time so I am afraid she will wake up even earlier!
Any suggestions?