Help! My DD is all of a sudden waking multiple times thru the night, very hard to settle unless I give a bottle (which I'm positive she doesn't need) our Day times are great, she is cheerful and goes down for her naps relatively well and wakes up well rested. Her appetite is great, no signs of sickness or teething. So I'm thinking is has something to do with our schedule and the 2-1 transition. I've recently switched her naps to maintain the 2 and stop her from fighting her PM nap. For the last week, here is our schedule....
6:45 wake and bottle
10:30-11:45 nap (I wake her)
12:00 lunch
2:45-3:30 ( UT cat nap, take a little to settle, sleeps only for 45 mins)
6:00 Dinner/ bath/ bed
7:00-7:15 Asleep
Two NW
10:30-11:30 ( very upset and difficult to settle up for 15-30mins. Last night we was up again 45 mins later)
3:30-4:30 ( I give her a bottle and she does back down until 7ish)
I'm thinking about just biting the bullet and going for one nap.... But would love some ideas and thoughts!
Please help, this feels like the new own stage again

so tired.,,,,
She is usually self soothed with a paci in her bed and has sttn from 5-12 months.