Hi all
Hoping you can advise in getting DS back on track after a hectic 10 days of SIL wedding and us going on holiday resulting in sleep a bit all over the place routine wise.
The main issue is that we have lost IS at bedtime when we were away last week - he totally freaked at sleeping in a strange room and in a travel cot plus we were out and about quite a bit so some late nights. I ended up either rocking or holding my hand on his back to get him to sleep.
His nights were a bit short too but he made up for it with longer naps. Yesterday he had a short nap due to car journey home so attempted EBT of 6.30 but he freaked again and had to help him to sleep once again. He fell asleep 7 til 6 so not bad and he will hopefully have a good nap today.
Today we have a party at our house as it is DS's 2nd birthday on Tuesday so intend to help him at bedtime again if needed as he could be late to bed plus keen to avoid a difficult bedtime when we have guests round but am planning on getting back on track either Sunday or Monday.
For info his usual routine is
WU 6-6.30 (he has a gro clock set for 6)
Nap 1-2.30 (capped)
Bed 7
I tried some WIWO last night and it was dreadful - he just screamed and shouted mummy! Not had to do WIWO for a while, particularly since he started saying my name, and just need some advice about how to do it with an older toddler. Do you lie them back down when you go in? Is it ok just to talk from the door? Just thinking through the best approach.
Other info - DS is 2 next week so we are probably also dealing with a developmental leap too as he has literally started speaking 4-5 word sentences whilst we have been away. He is a touchy toddler. His SA will no doubt be bad when he goes back to nursery after a week off next week so not sure if this should affect my approach? Also his bottom 2 year molars are forming but not causing too many issues - I could medicate at bedtime to ensure this is not an issue whist ST?
Grateful as ever for your thoughts.