My DD is just 6 mo and her sleep patterns/routine keep changing to the point where I don't know what to do with her. Naps have always been a problem (45 mins consistently) so I've been gradually pushing her A time to see if it helps and eliminate the catnap. That isn't always possible on days when she gets up at 5.30/6 instead of 7am. She is rolling both ways and sleeping more on her tummy. She just got her first tooth a couple of days ago.
Yesterday she was awake from 5.30am but dozed in the car on the nursery run with DS so wouldn't go for a nap until 9.00. She cried for 20 mins then slept for 2 hours when I woke her at 11.30am for a milk feed, but think she would have kept sleeping. She had another nap at 2pm for 1.5 hrs. She was awake until BT at 7pm.
For the past week or so she keeps waking at 12.30 and 2.30am. She is playing for a while then crying until I finally feed her 4oz milk to get her back to sleep. Sometimes she will go back to sleep after a few mins on her own. She has slept through 12 hours a handful of times but was sleeping at a least 9 hrs straight most of the time until recently. I have been introducing solids and have only ever needed to give her one night feed.
I always put her down awake for naps/BT so she gets off to sleep on her own, so she should be able to self settle if she wakes in the night, surely?
Is 12 hours night sleep and 3-3.5 hrs day sleep classed as LSN or HSN? She is certainly in a better mood after a longer nap but I don't know if I should be capping naps to get a better night. To be honest, it doesn't seem to make a difference lately.
Sorry for the ramble, it's hard to put into words when everything keeps changing!