Thank you Katherine. This is new territory for me as DS was every bit of 3.5 or 4 even ( !) before this hit and I just put him on my bed and if he slept then OK, if not, then OK too as OT wasn't too ugly on him.
I agree with offering nap every day, maybe put some booke and soft toys in if she is definitely not going out? I remember DS would fall asleep looking at books sometimes.
I think that everyone ( especially Mamas) do better with a break in the middle of the day so as actual sleep goes down then I do want to bring in Quiet Time for her in her crib. I don't like to let everyone just get crazier and louder as the day goes on!
So last night I got a bit anxious when I heard her 1 hour in to her night sleep but that was the last I heard until I sent DH in to wake her at 8:30! (12.5 hours of sleep) And no middle of the night nonsense. When she was going to bed initially she rolled around and said "MOMI MOMI!" which is morning. I went in and told her, quite firmly, that it was sleepytime and she needed to be quiet. She was asleep 3 minutes after that!
Not a bad start I suppose, see how today goes! Thanks!