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Offline Haribo2012

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Nap dropping I think wwyd?
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:44:13 am »
We've had 5 days now of full on nap refusal...tried for 3 days in cot but just stood up laughing, shouting me up loads if excuses and saying mummy I not sleeping!
Will nod off on my knee or out in car/buggy for 30-40 mins and BT has improved loads, no messing about asleep in 10 mins.
Generally he was doing EW and a good 1.5 hour nap but capping from nap was horrendous then taking an hour or 2 to go to sleep at BT!
Day was 6WU
Nap 1.15-2.45
BT 7/7.30

Now WU 6/6.15
Cat nap 2 till 2.40 ish
BT 7

Seems ok but concerned about OT, plus he's had a cold and cough which coincided with some NW but he does cope quite well with missed sleep!

Really trying to decide if I should just abandon cot naps and do quiet tv time and hope nods off on sofa or car/buggy naps if were out at right time.
He is very spirited 29.5 months old and doesn't give in to WI/WO!
Any thoughts if should persevere with cot at lunch or just go with the's crept up on me as he used to love naps!?!xx


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Re: Nap dropping I think wwyd?
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2014, 19:23:24 pm »
We've had something very similar here, Zoe.  LO2 is (counts on fingers) 29 mos too and she has decided this week not to do naps.  To an extent this is due to the school run, as we are just walking in the door at her nap time and she is too excited about playing with LO1 to sleep.  However, as yesterday was Saturday and she had all morning with LO1, she did 1.5 hours in the cot and still did a very solid 12 hour night (7.30-8!!).  Today, we wondered what would happen.  Lo and behold she'd obviously caught up and sat in the cot calling out and then singing ::)

I think my policy will be to accept 'no nap' but still put her in the cot most days to see if she needs it.  As you say, BT has improved and is earlier, which is nice :)
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Nap dropping I think wwyd?
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2014, 19:36:22 pm »
Glad to know I'm not alone....we've had a guest overnight so I knew today would be a no cot nap day but I popped DS on sofa with a cuddly toy and said have a relax or sleep and went back 10 mins later and he was fast on! Had to wake at an hour as going out but oh my the temper all afternoon!
Did ask him today if he was going to come up for a cuddle and a sleep and got a loud Noooooo I not lol!!
Think I'll follow you on the don't force it but offer it...maybe a bit later in the day too?! xx

Offline haribo89

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Re: Nap dropping I think wwyd?
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2014, 12:49:45 pm »
I think we are in the same stage of 1-0.
My 27mo has been refusing cot naps for a few months, I now do "quiet time" in my bed with a dvd. She will normally nod off then. The last few days we also found that a 12hr day on a 20min nap to be perfect for her, shes never pulled more than 10.5hr nights until we tried this. Last night was a bad night though with NW which she said was her belly, so im going to let her have an hour as she is so tired and hopfully PD at a 13hr day and see how she goes.
No 2 days are the same in the 1-0, I found a lot is making it up as you go along and guess work. Excepting sometimes they wont nap and sometimes any nap will make BT extremely late I think is the key to less stress. its impossible to have routine atm, at least for my LO.

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Nap dropping I think wwyd?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2014, 17:52:44 pm »
It's so hard to know how long is enough to not get OT by bedtime. I've been trying to stick to 12.5 hour days with less than hour nap but it's not always possible. Today nursery let him have 2 hours despite several times saying cap it at 1.5 hours....sigh never mind it will be late to bed or EW. He does seem tired tonight so I guess it could've been a catch up!
I totally agree with the no stressing...hard for me but I've been trying to stay calm lol!! Life's too interesting to sleep I guess  ;) xx

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Re: Nap dropping I think wwyd?
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2014, 18:48:17 pm »
Had a peek in LO2's mouth today and there is a massive sharp corner of molar just poking through.  Might be contributing!

No nap today either.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: Nap dropping I think wwyd?
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2014, 18:57:36 pm »
Well it's funny you should say teeth because I'd swear DS is teething as chewing hands, sore bum etc but he defo has all his teeth....I'm positive I've seen them all!!!

Oh bless u, hope she sleeps a long night sleep instead x

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Re: Nap dropping I think wwyd?
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2014, 19:21:37 pm »
Following along as Ivy has started this too! Hugs all around!



Offline haribo89

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Re: Nap dropping I think wwyd?
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2014, 20:03:49 pm »
Teeth defiantly was a contributing factor here for awhile, but there all in now and even though we are getting slightly less nap refusals its still all a shambles.
It is very hard not to stress about it haribo2012, I stress over every aspect of LOs life, what she eats, how she sleeps, what she does in a day. As shes getting older though im getting a little better, I think you slowly realise you can't control everything as much as you want to.
Its nice to know theres others on the same boat, fingers crossed it won't be to long a process for us all.

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Nap dropping I think wwyd?
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2014, 20:41:04 pm »
It makes it so much better for me when others are going through same thing lol!!

Maryn follow along by all means didn't realise our lo's where the same she.

Thought I'd get BT shenanigans tonight but out like a light....who knows!!x