My 17mo is usually a pretty good sleeper and has been on one nap since 12months. That nap used to last 2-2.5hrs but has recently reduced to 1-1.5hrs, so my first thought is that she needs longer A time in the morning. Until a week ago her day looked like this:
Awake 6:45
Nap 11:30-1:00ish
Bed 6:45/7:00
The last few days we have had resistance at naps and bedtime so I think now is the time to tweak things. I currently give her lunch when she wakes up from her nap, so was thinking I'll extend her morning by half an hour or so and give her an early lunch. My only concern is that this together with what may be a longer nap will push bedtime later. I'm pregnant and I really really need those two hours of rest before I go to bed!
Also, she's resisting bedtime too (not settling til 8ish at the mo) so surely the afternoon A time can't need extending too??
I'm getting about 20mins of messing about before her nap, and up to an hour before bed
To anyone who has done something similar - will this push bedtime later or will the afternoon get shorter as the morning gets longer? Should I cap her nap?
I also follow the Wonder Weeks book which suggests she is coming to the end of a developmental leap so also wondering if this could be the cause and that it will resolve itself shortly?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions