She was born at 38 weeks with weighed only 2.24, which dropped in the first week. Nursing her was HARD as she never woke up ever! Finally in desperation we got the pump so that we could spoon feed her. This problem continued for nearly the first month! We had marathon feeding sessions all day every day. In retrospect, some of it was because of evening fussies. Also, we had to feed every 2 hours day & night. We would wake her up to feed.
So, yes, now we're down to 30-40 minutes :p Maybe she gets what she needs sooner but how do I tell? If I stop soon, she won't sleep & keeps asking. I have tried limiting the time & offering more often.
Can I ask, how do you fit in more than 6 nursing sessions in 24 hours if the baby does not wake up to eat in the night? If this JUST the 4 month crazies? According to EDD, she would have just completed week 17 now...