I posted recently about my 4.5mo LO being very fussy at the breast at the last feed before bed. We are going through a wonder week right now & that was storm cloud time. Since then, as *Ali* pointed out, she has gotten faster at nursing. This is a bit shocking to me since we have always had marathon nursing sessions. I mean, 30 minutes was quick was her just two weeks ago!
Her diaper output is good. The thing is, she seems to just latch on, get a letdown, drink well for some time after & give up on that breast & want to move on to the other. If the other doesn't let down fast enough, she's done. Is this normal? We are on a 4 hour EASY, so to ease my mind mainly, and to ensure my supply stays okay, I am offering twice per awake time. But I think I'm messing up. Please tell me your opinions..
Our day is
Between 7 & 9 - 2 feeds
Between 10.30 & 12.30 - 2 feeds (we get a 45 minute nap here only)
Between 2 & 4 - 2 feeds
The last few days, she has been having trouble going down for the catnap/ staying asleep for more than 20 minutes, so 1 feed to sleep here
Between 5.30 & 6- feed - then bath/ massage
6.30 - feed right before bed
The problem is with this last feed before bed. I split the last feed around bath and she used to eat great! Then the fussing started, and it got harder complete that feed or put her to sleep as she was hungry! Now that she has gotten more efficient, I thought it is fine if she doesn't EAT, she may just want that comfort. But today, was so weird. She wasn't even trying!She wouldn't suck, just kept crying! It seemed like she wanted the letdown without putting in any effort! So I pumped till I got a letdown & then gave her. She pulled away fussing & crying :S Then I had to nurse walking around. She still was barely sucking & didn't get a single letdown!If I unlatched her, she would cry. Finally, I just let her hang around for nearly half an hour more and then put her to bed.
What is happening? Am i offering too often? If she is too tired/ full to eat, why won't she let me put her to sleep or do something else like cuddles/book time? If she just wants the comfort, why won't she nurse? Arghhh, need her to start speaking soon because I am so very confused! What am I doing wrong?