Hello again Vicki,
Many thanks for the suggestions
I'm certainly keen to preserve the one nap, as it was working well before this hiccup and I definitely don't want to go back to two micro naps with screaming before and after!
Re EBT, he has tacked on in the past, although it's not a given unfortunately..... Re an earlier nap, we could certainly try this on our home days, but I don't think it would work at nursery as they all sleep in the same room at the same time. And by all accounts he settles for naps by himself at nursery, which is a lot better than at home!
We've had a bit of a mixed week this week.... Tried EBT a couple of times due to circumstances (falling alseep on the journey home from nursery, and only having a 25 minute nap one day?!?!). The first time he took ages to settle, ended up going off at his usual time anyway, but then slept through until 6am
And the second time, he went down fine at 6.30, but woke several times between 11 and 12, before going back off til 6am.
We also did an earlier nap at home one day, which may have helped him catch up, but have had some shorter naps too?? Very variable.... But in general I think he is beginning to sleep better - he's now generally only waking at 11ish, instead of 9, 11, 2 etc, and he also seems to have adjusted his body clock re waking at 5am. It's been hovering about 6am this week and for the last couple of nights he's pretty much slept through til 6.30
So perhaps we are coming out the other side? I'm inclined to keep bedtime at 7pm (unless he's really struggling to stay awake) and just use our home days to let him nap a bit earlier/longer if he needs to catch up. He seems to prefer the routine of bedtime at the same time.
He's still a bit clingy to me during the day, but I'm trying to spend lots of quality time with him on our home days, as well as letting Daddy have lots of playtime at the weekend too. However, when he woke in the night on Wednesday, he only wanted me and kept pushing Daddy away, which my husband found really hard to deal with
He's never really been like that before..... But having said that, the next evening he played happily with Daddy while I got ready for my weekly yoga class and, after some initial protests, was happy for Daddy to put him to bed (a big improvement on the week before!)
Are there any other tips for helping to ease the separation anxiety phase? I guess it's hit us hard as, up until now, he's been such a sociable and adaptable boy.... He has a smile for anyone, warms up to new people really quickly and is generally happy to go off and explore new places by himself. He's settled so well at nursery, that the clinginess at home really surprised me - but I guess it's a phase he would have gone through anyway?
(I really don't need more guilt about putting him in nursery!! I always thought I'd be a SAHM, and technically we don't
need me to go back to work..... But I was really starting to not recognise myself, and I think having three days at work has made me a much nicer Mummy all round!)
Thanks for your help and support