My LO has always been a short napped, but usually we can get one longer one in during the day. Over the last few weeks, he only long naps have been after he has come back from a car ride and been able to stay asleep in his car seat.
We aim for a 2 hour awake time, this has been the same for about 4 weeks. He goes to sleep by himself, almost always within 10 minutes of being put in the crib.
Even if he has had a short nap, shortening his next awake time doesn't work, he will fight the nap if he doesn't have at least 1hr 45 before getting in the crib.
Typically he yawns and starts screeching at the 1hr 45 mark, that is our cue that he is tired enough to start putting down.
I have always thought that if he goes down easily and quickly, we have probably struck the right awake time. But does his awake time need increasing? He went through a fighting nap stage the last time we needed to extend his awake time.
I have pushed his first awake time, but this has still resulted in the same short nap.