Hi Sweetie, just popping on for extra support. I know it can be difficult when you first go to one nap, and it seems that what is missing here is some consistency, and I know from experience that when every day is different it can drive you bananas. I agree with this:
First look suggests that you should put you LO slightly later than you are now as she might be UT before nap and OT after (4,5h vs 6h of A time before and after nap).
I think what I would try, especially if he is sleeping peacefully through the night is to extend the morning. I remember going through something similar with DS, and what confused me was that he would happily go down at 4.5 hours A time, therefore I presumed it was right for him, but then I found that actually he could go longer without suffering.
So how about trying this:
WU 6 am
Nap 11.15 5 hr 15 A time. (you can get him into his cot 15 mins prior to shoot for asleep by 11.15)
Nap 11.15 until 1.15 (capped, wake him. This is in the hope that the longer A time gives you a consistent nap length)
BT 6.45 (asleep by)
So this would be a starting point, trial and error as always, in the hope that you can shift WU and achieve something like this:
WU 7 am
Nap 12.30 to 2.30
BT 7.30
Any thoughts
Really I should have asked you these questions at the start
Is he low/average or high sleep needs
What wake up and BT would you ideally like to shoot for to fit in with your life/plans
(HUGS) Honey.x.