Hi, I just spotted this. My 16 month old LO is EBF on 3 feeds a day so I cannot really tell how much milk she is getting, but she can eat 2 whole weetabix with glass of milk 1 h after her morning feed, 2 hours later she eats breakfast with me, sandwich most of the time. Then she has her nap and another feed, and again 1h later lunch. Around 3 pm she will have fruit and dinner aroun 4:30. Her last feed is at 5:15 just before BT.
As you can see she has 3 milk feeds, 3 proper meals and 2 snacks, there isn't much time do do amything else sometimes as eating consumes most of our time
She is tall, but skinny, but they burn so mamy calories. As per sleeping 6 h A is the way to go, LO always wants to sleep after 5 so I have to distract her. She sleeps 1 h during the day and it seems to agree with her.
Do you think set naps? Like if she wakes up at 6:30, 12:30 nap?
I know it is rediculous but LO can be put to bed too early and fuss in bed which then results in her not falling asleep at the right time and getting OT in the end so getting BT right is soo important isn't it?
Hope this helps