Hello everyone,
Im new to this forum but Im looking for some advice/help. my lo is 15 months old and wakes a lot at night...on a Very Good night we have 2 wakings (these happen one every 2-3 months and only happen once or twice) otherwise she still wakes up every 2-3 hours or on a bad night every 20-30 mins.
Ok so the info:
She's 15 months
Had a traumatic birth
An early waker (wakes between 5-6 every day without fail)
She has breakfast at 7:30 and eats well but is allergic to dairy (its milder now in comparison to at bury). Because of her allergy she was on a formula that was disgusting and shed only ever have 2-3oz or enough to get through 2 hours (on a good day) so really she was hungry a lot and woke a lotat night. at 7 months we put her on soya milk... this was god send as she drank it and began eating really well but iy was as if she was making up for not getting nice milk before this.
Its been hard removing the bottles and milk as there are 3 that the is dead firm on.
When she was 11 months she got very sick and decided she no linger wanted her dummy - we though great no need to wean but upped her bottle (note not the feed just the requirement for the bottle). I've been strict and tried for 4 weeks not to give in to the bottle demands but despite pretty much screaming the whole night for those 4 weeks she didn't once settle.
She is very active in the day, fresh air, nursery, swimming but always has a 1.5 - 2 hour nap at 12
Dinners at 4.30/5 and this is when wind down time begins, bath at 6 at 6.20 get dressed with all the lights low or off and then we go downstairs for bedtime milk...
we do have in the night garden on but have found this foes actually settle her and at 6:50 we go yo Veda...
Awake but chilled out! She settles herself.
Guaranteed waking before 10 (on a good night) and if she doesn't settle then that means every 20-30mins for rest of the night.
If she settles then wakes at 1 and then 3,4,5....
When she wakes she is always screaming... no mantra crying and she doesn't self soothe if you leave it shell literally scream he rest of the night (thatswhat she did for 4 weeks solid)
she has a teddy and a blankie that she favours - always with her at sleep times.
Only way to settle her is bottle (2 oz milk) have tried water.... no go!
She might be teething at the moment but this waking is nothing new.
We've tried so many routines etc and nothing makes a difference.
We for not believe in CIO but have been n a position where we can say she can cry all night with Jo difference.
Please can i have any advice on this, Im losing my mind and Im back at work full time and permanently sick because so exhausted and expecting number 2 in July.
She is guaranteed to wake before