Hi, hoping for some advice! Long post warning, although I'll try to be concise:) Also not sure if this is the right place for this post, please let me know if it's not!
I'd really like to get my DS on a more predictable daily pattern with fewer night wakenings, longer naps and more daytime feeding/less night-time feeding. I think EASY would really suit us, but I'm not sure what issues to tackle first (or if I should go all out) in order to get an appropriate EASY routine. We have an unpredictable day at the moment, which I know is all my fault and does not help DS at all, and the problem is because we don't have a predictable nap/eating schedule bed time is a little all over the place too. I've read the 'starting easy at 4 months and older' but am not sure whether this needs adjusting for us given there's a few issues going on. I also realise sometimes he's staying awake longer than he should (3 hours plus sometimes - I feel like such a bad mummy

) but it can be hard getting him to sleep earlier.
I kept a track of what happened over a couple of days but it's a lot, so to summarise this is what seems to be happening:
- He doesn't want to drink much at all in the mornings (as little as 2oz at a time), and is very much a snacker during the day. He wants bigger feeds in the evening, and multiple feeds in the night (some fair sized feeds, e.g. 6oz, although some of these are very small particularly in the later part of the night).
- I've just started weaning, he's happy to eat whatever time of the day and wants what I think is fairly large portions given he's just started
- I'm mix feeding but I don't produce a full feed (has been issues with breastfeeding from the start - hence mixed feeding rather than only BF) so I think this reinforces the snacking
- He wakes up every two hours in the night and wants dummy or milk. He doesn't need either when he actually falls asleep during the day but prefers it just before going down for his sleep, it seems to help settle him.
- His length of naps is unpredictable - usually either 30 or 45 mins, but one longer nap every day at present (over an hour). It varies when that happens.
- Because naps are unpredictable bed time moves about too. i aim for 8 but it tends to be between 8 and 9 when he actually gets to sleep (depends on when his naps have been during the day), and he almost always wakes up at least once not long after, usually half an hour later, usually wanting more food.
- I'm pretty firm about not getting up before 7am (I'm not naturally a morning person!), and usually he wants up between then and 7:15.
I'm happy to post an example of a day or two if it helps.
So I guess my question is, do I go all out and follow the instructions for the 'introducing EASY at 4 months and older' straight away; do I tackle cutting down night feedings first and getting him to drink more during the day (this has proved tricky so far); do I try and persuade DS first that he doesn't need dummy/milk around the time he goes to sleep (he's generally really quite insistent about that though); do I try and introduce a routine to the day first and deal with night wakings later, or vice versa; or do I try to cut down on the snacking so he has bigger feeds.
