Yes there isn't much traffic on the site anymore. I think Facebook baby groups seem the go these days.
around 9 months can be difficult & really is just the first example of the balancing act a parent faces for the rest of their parenting journey.
The question (which you may never find the answer for is -
1) is she physically under tired & mentally over tired. or
2) is she physically overtired & mentally undertired or
3) is she both physically and mentally undertired or
4) is she both physically and mentally overtired. or
5) does it change from day to day & nap to nap.
Some babies (Angel) seem to just sleep wonderfully, but even textbook have the mental & physical environment having an impact & then if she's a spirited, grumpy or touchy baby well it's almost impossible to tweak a routine to be by the clock & you have to really learn what your child is like as one day they might want 1 hour before a nap another 3 hours.
As to routine, 3 hours daytime sleep is a good goal to aim for & about 11 hours overnight would probably fit the right total sleep in 24hours, but if there is a LSN side then they might need less sleep. My eldest was a reasonably HSN child, but tended to need longer naps (4+ hours) & 10-11 at night, rather than shorter naps & 12 hours at night. My youngest was LSN but could only cope with textbook A times & would have been perfect in a 23hour day, so it was a horrible juggle, let him stay up longer he was a mess at bedtime & maybe wake about 6am, put him to bed at 7pm & he'd be up at 5am & then I'd have a messy hour at 6pm the next day, get the day sleep working & he'd night wake.
textbook routine for a 9mo would be
wake about 7am
first nap 10 -11.30
second nap 2.30-4pm
bedtime 7pm
with at least sleep time that they won't easily settle or wake early or sleep longer and or at least one night waking... because at the end of the day night waking is actually biologically normal, rather than a problem with the child & actually more likely to happen in western society where babies sleep separately from their mother.