Author Topic: Can some please helpppp!! Dream feed questions  (Read 1876 times)

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Offline Mommyadel

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Can some please helpppp!! Dream feed questions
« on: March 19, 2015, 14:44:03 pm »
Can someone please help me? I've been dream feeding my LOVE and she just turned 8 months. I know they say to drop it at 7mobths but my LO just got over the rota virus... And some nights she will take the dream feed and other nights she won't. The first time I dropped IT I did it entiry too fast. So I've reintroduced it again because she was waking at 4 to eat. So I'm reintroducing IT so I can drop it slowly this time so it's not so drastic. But it's frustrating because some nights she won't take it and wakes at 1/1:30 to feed. Any suggestions??

Wake 5:30
Eat 7
Activity 7-9
Sleep 9-10:30
Eat 11
Activity 11-2
Sleep 2-3
Eat 3
Activity 3-6
6-7 bath bottle bed

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Re: Can some please helpppp!! Dream feed questions
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2015, 16:36:51 pm »
Are you EBF?  If your LO just got over a wicked illness, try not to stress about her still taking a DF.  There's nothing wrong with a little extra hydration.  You could try doing the DF with a bottle of BM, and slowly cut it back over a week or so.  That way it wouldn't be a dramatic end.  Although I had to switch for formula at 7 months, I started with 8 oz and then every other day I reduced it by an ounce.  At the same time, I upped the amount of formula and/or food DS received during the day, so that he wasn't losing any calories.  That's what I would suggest.

Offline Mommyadel

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Re: Can some please helpppp!! Dream feed questions
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2015, 19:31:51 pm »
She is formula feed. I try to cut it back by 1 ounce every 3 days. But when that lo doesn't wanna eat.... She won't lol. So I was trying to do that routine but it seemed like every 3 days she wouldn't take it or it would be inconsistent. I want to try maybe feeding her at 6pm and then bottle( dream feed at 9:30) that ways it's 3:30 hrs between... And see if she will take it that way or feed her at 6.... Bath then bed and see if I can trick her that way and reduce the feed every few days. I also give her water to drink during the day with solids, think maybe I should cut that out until I can get her off the dream feed? Right now she gets a bottle every 4 hrs and 2/3 oz with her meals ...

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Re: Can some please helpppp!! Dream feed questions
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 20:51:45 pm »
How much is she taking in her bottles in the day?

Have you tried just settling if she wakes in the night first?

If she is erratic taking it then I think you would be better off getting as much milk in her during the day as you can and work on resettling not feeding in the night, I'm not sure trying to establish a dreamfeed only to drop it makes sense really! My DD didn't have a dreamfeed, we fed when she woke so we worked on dropping her nightfeed at just over 8 months.


Offline Mommyadel

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Re: Can some please helpppp!! Dream feed questions
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2015, 21:55:04 pm »
She takes about 7 oz. feed and about 4 oz of food. I just feed her at night because that is the only reason she will wake up. When she wakes in the night she takes about 5-6 oz so I know she is waking out of hunger.  I might try giving her 8 oz in a feed and see how she does. i know introducting the dream feed doesn't make sense but I feel that if I just cut it out all together she will still continue to wake. So I'm going to work at increasing her formula and then slowly decreasing her dream feed. On the nights she does take it, she sleeps through the night