I'm totally lost right now. My daughter will be 17 months on the 10th and she has been completely night weaned for several months and sleeping through the night since somewhere after her 1st birthday... until now. She goes down fine, but is up multiple times a night and will not go back to sleep until I nurse her. Even then she often wakes up again, but nursing her is the only way to get her to lay back down. Last night she woke up at 11:45 and didn't fall back to sleep until almost 3am. Once she finally crashes around 2-3am she sleeps until morning and I usually have to wake her at 7:30 or she'll sleep much later. Her naps haven't been affected and she goes down at 12:30 and sleeps until 2:30-3:30. She's cutting canines, but it doesn't seem to be affecting her during the day or at naps and I've been giving advil at night so I don't think teeth is an issue.
Any ideas?