Hi everyone. Hoping for a little bit of advice for my 22 month old.
We have had a pretty solid run of things recently with good naps (2hrs or more) and 11-12 hour nights but over the last few weeks things are up in the air!
Yesterday lo only had 1/2 hr nap in the car, not ideal but got a 12 hour night so can't complain. Today however he is up in his cot, playing totally refusing to sleep. He had been up there an hour. Cried and stood up initially but now just messing, pulled sleeping bag off etc.I know he won't sleep now as he will be totally past it but don't want to get him if he isn't crying.
Also recently we have had lots of EW whatever time he goes to sleep, nap length in the day does not seem to affect this unless its super short (like yesterday). For example, in nursery some days he sleeps 1hr 20. This makes no difference to EW, in fact can sometimes make it worse. Lots always happy the morning, no matter how little sleep he has had at night.
Anyway, my questions are is are nap refusals common at this age and am I dealing with them right but just leaving him? Need to transition to big bed and can't face it when he is not settling for naps or on a night time ( he will often stand up and cry a little initially at night too).
What shall I do about EW? Is it just a phase?
Rough guide to routine I try to follow would be 7-7.30 day with 2 hr nap at around d 1pm
Thanks everyone xxx