Thank you for your message. I would say he's average to high sleep need. He's always been a good sleeper. He is currently getting 13hrs of sleep per day, consistently 11hrs at night and usually 2hrs during the day (ranges from 1hr40 to 2hr20). Sometimes his morning nap is close to 2hrs, in which case I usually do a shorter 20min CN in the afternoon. Other times it's only an hour to hour and 10, in which case I give him a longer (up to 1hr) afternoon nap. He struggles to stay awake for 4hrs at a time, and I usually put him down for naps at 3hr30 or 3hr40 A time and he falls asleep within 5-10min. We were hoping to start the 2-1 transition sooner but based on this, and the advice thread about waiting as long as possible, it sounds like we should keep the status quo for now and not rush the transition. Does that sound right based on what you've read? Thanks!