Author Topic: 7 Month old, many nw, never slept through the night!! Help!!!!!!  (Read 1195 times)

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Offline mrssabbah

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This is my 4th child on the baby whisperer,  I have never had this before and I'm exhausted beyond!!  My lo just turned 7 months old,  she's exclusively bf and won't take bottles,  or formula,  or solids!  I have repeatedly been trying apple sauce,  formula,  cereal,  even sweet things but it won't get past her throat! I thought hunger is what might be waking her up every two hours starting from 7:30 bedtime but I don'tknow anymore,  iI'm just desperate to fix this.
This is  her typical day,  please help me crack this!

Wake 7:15
Eat 8:45
Sleep 9:30-12:30
E 1:00
Sleep 2:10-4:30
E 5:00
Sleep 7:30

From bedtime she will typically sleep until about 10, then will wake up every 2-3 hours  I'll nurse her and she goes back down,  sometimes she will stay up grunting or making funny sounds.  Any light shed will be appreciated

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 7 Month old, many nw, never slept through the night!! Help!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2015, 06:17:08 am »
Hi, wow! 4 LO's on BW?! Perhaps you should be advising us  ;)  ;D

I'm thinking she could use a push in A time, has she been on this routine for a while?

Many 7mo are nearing the 3hr A time around now. See here Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!

Is she an independent sleeper? Also I notice you've only listed 3 bf in your day, whereas it's more typical to have 4 or more. Do you do a top up feed before BT? I do believe it's normal to have around one or even night feeds at this age, but I'm not an expert wrt to bf as I had to give it up at 3mo.

What do you think about pushing the A times out by 15 mins? She is getting quite a bit of day sleep there, did she recently drop her CN or do you think a slightly longer day would suit you all? Sorry for all the questions, it helps if I can try and see the full picture for you x

Offline Emami

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Re: 7 Month old, many nw, never slept through the night!! Help!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2015, 10:03:54 am »
Hi hun, I agree with Kelly, and that you also might need to wake her from her naps. She's getting over 5hrs or sleep during the day, and say the average 7 month old gets about 14hrs in 24 then that's only leaving 9hrs max of night sleep.  If she's going to bed at 7:30 I think she's not tired enough to sleep a good night which is why it's so broken. Do you think she's HSN?

Offline mrssabbah

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Re: 7 Month old, many nw, never slept through the night!! Help!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2015, 02:45:59 am »
Thank you for the replies.  I also thought that her a time was too short.  Yesterday I stretched her by 15 minutes and also woke her up and her night sleep was much better,  she only woke up twice!! We'll see tonight how she does.  Yes,  I do give her a top up before bedtime.  She's a great independent sleeper and goes down easily.  Thanks for all your help!  I can't imagine what life with baby is without the BW.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 7 Month old, many nw, never slept through the night!! Help!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2015, 05:28:18 am »
That's excellent news! Pop back if you need to hun, we're always here  :-*

It may be she'll need increasing again soon, 7-8mo is a prime time for the A times to keep changing. It'll be hard to tell since you've got such a great napper, but keep an eye on the average A time link I posted before and try and keep somewhere in the vicinity and all should be ok x