This is my 4th child on the baby whisperer, I have never had this before and I'm exhausted beyond!! My lo just turned 7 months old, she's exclusively bf and won't take bottles, or formula, or solids! I have repeatedly been trying apple sauce, formula, cereal, even sweet things but it won't get past her throat! I thought hunger is what might be waking her up every two hours starting from 7:30 bedtime but I don'tknow anymore, iI'm just desperate to fix this.
This is her typical day, please help me crack this!
Wake 7:15
Eat 8:45
Sleep 9:30-12:30
E 1:00
Sleep 2:10-4:30
E 5:00
Sleep 7:30
From bedtime she will typically sleep until about 10, then will wake up every 2-3 hours I'll nurse her and she goes back down, sometimes she will stay up grunting or making funny sounds. Any light shed will be appreciated