Author Topic: Dreamfeed making more restless during the night?  (Read 5489 times)

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Offline jellyfur

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Dreamfeed making more restless during the night?
« on: June 08, 2015, 21:47:57 pm »
Hello.  I'm just wondering if anyone has found the dreamfeed makes their LO's more restless during the night?  For a while now we've been experiencing several NW which we thought was as a result of short daytime napping,  however I'm now getting 2 good 1.5-2 hour naps each day (following advice given on the forum )but the NW are persisting.

I've noticed that my DD thrashes around a lot and often passes gas around the same time every night (2am-3am) before she stirs and wakes which has got me wondering if I should cut out the dreamfeed incase it's making her uncomfortable and interrupting her sleep cycle. 

She's always been a good sleeper but since the 4 month regression phase it feels like she's changed. 

She's 7 months old and takes 4 feeds a day (approx. 4 - 6 oz p/bottle) plus the dreamfeed at 10:30pm (reduced from 6 to 4 ozthis week ). She's also started weaning and has 3 meals a day,  admittedly sometimes plays around witg more than she actually eats. 

She usually wakes around 6ish, gets her last feed around 7pm and is goes to bed by 7:30pm. We're doing 4 hour EASY .

Any advice would be gratefully received as I'm so tired right now...she's always been such a great sleeper that now I feel like I've been hit by a train! 

Thanks!  X

Offline anna*

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Re: Dreamfeed making more restless during the night?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2015, 08:34:01 am »
Her day is quite long if she's only getting 10.5hrs overnight, so there could be an element of over tiredness at play. But by all means you could try cutting out the dream feed and see if she is more settled if you leave her to wake naturally.

Offline jellyfur

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Re: Dreamfeed making more restless during the night?
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2015, 20:09:58 pm »
Thanks Anna. I didn't realise this was a long day - should I bring her bedtime forward?? I reckon she'll get up even earlier if she's in bed earlier but could be wrong :)

When she wakes at 6am, I usually bring her into bed with me and she'll fall asleep for another hour or so - wouldn't this be a typical 4 hour EASY from 7am - 7:30?

I've also been wondering if her Paci is causing issues. She never used to depend on it as much but have noticed lately she wakes up if it falls out after 4am (this is a new thing). Anyway, I've decided to go cold turkey and have stopped giving it to her altogether. I'm expecting from what I've been reading that this is not going to make settling her easy for a while (but the cold turkey approach seems to be what most people are recommending).

Offline anna*

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Re: Dreamfeed making more restless during the night?
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2015, 08:13:51 am »
Oh OK I didn't know she was going back to sleep for an hour. An 11.5hr night (7.30-7) is fine - a 10.5hr night (7.30-6) would be considered quite short.

Good luck with the paci wean, let us know how it goes. It's hard for a few days but at this age it will all be done and behind you within a week.