Hello. I'm just wondering if anyone has found the dreamfeed makes their LO's more restless during the night? For a while now we've been experiencing several NW which we thought was as a result of short daytime napping, however I'm now getting 2 good 1.5-2 hour naps each day (following advice given on the forum )but the NW are persisting.
I've noticed that my DD thrashes around a lot and often passes gas around the same time every night (2am-3am) before she stirs and wakes which has got me wondering if I should cut out the dreamfeed incase it's making her uncomfortable and interrupting her sleep cycle.
She's always been a good sleeper but since the 4 month regression phase it feels like she's changed.
She's 7 months old and takes 4 feeds a day (approx. 4 - 6 oz p/bottle) plus the dreamfeed at 10:30pm (reduced from 6 to 4 ozthis week ). She's also started weaning and has 3 meals a day, admittedly sometimes plays around witg more than she actually eats.
She usually wakes around 6ish, gets her last feed around 7pm and is goes to bed by 7:30pm. We're doing 4 hour EASY .
Any advice would be gratefully received as I'm so tired right now...she's always been such a great sleeper that now I feel like I've been hit by a train!
Thanks! X