Here is what happened yesterday:
wake: 5am
E: 730
S: 745-915 (no mid nap wakeups!)
E: 1045
S: 11:15-1:10 (one mid nap wakeup)
E: 230
S: 3:25-4 (woke her up)
E: 530
E: 630
S: 710pm (woke 745, 840-930, 1230, 3)
wake: 530am
During 840-930 stretch last night, she would fall asleep but would refuse to be put down in the crib. So I finally nursed her to sleep and co-slept all night (which I really try not to do, but I couldn't deal anymore after an hour of crying!)
When she woke at 530, she didn't fuss, she was just hanging out. I didn't turn on the lights or interact with her at all until about 630 or so. Not sure how else to deal with this EW, but am hoping it works itself out with routine changes.