Author Topic: Refuse 23:00 DF?  (Read 1128 times)

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Refuse 23:00 DF?
« on: July 12, 2015, 08:27:42 am »
Bub is 7 mth old and everything is going well. But from the last week, she started to refuse the DF at 23:00 or take just a little bit like 2oz. Here is her routine:

7:00 milk 4-5oz
8:00 breakfast: yogurt+cereal
9:30 nap
11:00 milk 4-5oz
12:00 lunch: vegi puree
13:30 nap
15:30 milk 4-5oz
17:00 dinner: fruit+yogurt
18:30 milk 4-5oz
19:00 sleep
23:00 DF: was 4oz before but for the last week just around 2oz

She is not a big eater, just 20-22 oz per day. Actually she is not that interested in bottle in daytime so 20-22oz is the best she can do. So if she doesn't drink at least 4oz at 23:00 then she won't get enough milk.

Anyone can figure out why this happens and what I should do. Thank you!

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Re: Refuse 23:00 DF?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2015, 08:43:09 am »
Hi there we had dropped the DF at this age as it was affecting DS daily milk u think maybe she's just not hungry?

You could up milk intake with milky sauces, rice puddings etc in the day? I used to mix made up formula into mashed pots/carrots/parsnips and do food with cheesy sauces. x