Had a weird experience tonight. DD refused to nurse at bedtime, despite being hungry. I have no idea what was going on, she normally never refuses to nurse. I tried nursing at bedtime - she would latch, suck a couple of times, then get very sad and just cry. I'd take her off, try the other side, same thing.

As soon as she was off she'd be sucking her hands or trying to latch onto my arm. So I gave her a bottle of pumped milk, just 2 oz to see if she was hungry. She got SO excited when she saw it and gulped it down. She was mad when it was gone. Waited a little bit, tried nursing again, same thing as before. So I gave her another 2.5oz and she gulped all of that down too! She probably would have taken more but I didn't have any more fresh in the fridge (she doesn't normally eat very many bottles). I'm so confused by her behavior! Any idea what it could mean? I hope it doesn't continue tomorrow.