Author Topic: baby's nap routine. Scheduled or did it naturally fall into place?  (Read 1079 times)

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Offline centrestage88

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My  5 mth old's nap durations are irregular. His first morning nap occurs around the same time everyday, but it's duration can be anywhere from 1 to 3 hrs. Which throws off the rest of his naps for the day.
He is looked after by my mom during the day until 5pm and she insists on never waking a sleeping baby and that he eventually naturally form a fixed nap pattern.
I do fix his bedtime and wake up time at 730pm though.

Did yr Los form their nap schedules naturally on their own or did you fix it for them? ( ie: wake them up if their naps are too long for yr schedule)

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Re: baby's nap routine. Scheduled or did it naturally fall into place?
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2015, 16:59:20 pm »
At 5 months we just went with A times, but things were still quite flexible at that age (read: changeable!).  Once my two went to one nap I did fixed nap times (at 13 months and 10 months).  Both were on fairly fixed / predictable naps times for the last month or two of the 2-1 from what I remember, but we didn't fix anything except BT before then.

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Re: baby's nap routine. Scheduled or did it naturally fall into place?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2015, 17:31:02 pm »
I would say if BT and WU are fixed I would have some leeway on naps or at least one of them. If you have set WU time and capped naps then every sleep might be disturbed and doesn't give LO a chance to catch up on any lost sleep or additional tiredness.  By additional tiredness I mean if LO is teething, ill, or going through a developmental phase they can be extra tired, capping every sleep could result in some OT.  There may also be some changes due to various activities, if they are more physically or mentally stimulated one day this could lead to a shorter (due to OS, over stimulation) nap but not fully rested or could lead to a longer nap due to the additional work they have done so more rest is needed. Equally a less challenging morning could result in a short nap due to less stimulation (or US under stimulation) so LO is less tired.  This could explain the 1-3hr difference in that first nap.
I would perhaps have a conversation with your mum where you try to come to some compromise, that perhaps 2hr-2.5hr is long enough to keep the rest of the naps on track and perhaps suggest a longer/shorter A time following the nap dependent on how long the nap was.

Offline centrestage88

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Re: baby's nap routine. Scheduled or did it naturally fall into place?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2015, 14:38:34 pm »
Thks ladies. i now take care of my lo full time.( since a week ago). He seems to have dropped his mega long naps but his nap lengths and times are still erratic(1-2 hrs long). Previously I used to have to wake him up every morning ( fixed WU time), but now have the flexibility of letting in wake up as and when he likes. Bedtime still has to be fixed though.

Will letting him wake up on his own each morning but having a fixed bedtime help him get into a regular nap pattern more easily or will it make his nap times and lengths more erratic?

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Re: baby's nap routine. Scheduled or did it naturally fall into place?
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2015, 07:05:17 am »
If the morning WU varies by a little, say 30 mins, I'd probably leave the day routine as it is, adjusting A times a little through the day. If WU varies more though I'd suggest looking at the overall routine to see if something can be tweaked towards a more stable routine.
FWIW I never woke my DS because he never got to 7am in the morning.