Does EASY become EAEASY then?
This is fine. Many mums find as LOs approach 6 months+ that there may be a milk feed just before sleep. We'd usually recommend a minute or two A time between the E and S.
At this age and beyond the EASY pattern does change. For instance when you introduce solids there will be an additional E (solids) added to the routine, and as solids intake increase over the months LO may naturally extend the time between milk feeds to more like 5hrs. This does not necessarily indicate less milk being taken, a bigger tummy can take in more milk in one go, an older more efficient eater can take in more milk in less time.
Try not to worry about the routine too much. The EASY routine is intended to give some A between E and S to reduce the chance of a feed to sleep prop but many mums find if there is a basic level of independence it really doesn’t matter too much if LO falls to sleep feeding during a pre-nap top up feed.