Getting better slowly, thanks for asking.

Baby is doing well, much better with feeding although now there is some frustration there because my supply is not what it used to be.
DS2 has been miserable and hysterical at times, but doing so much better after I got some antibiotics for him. He's suddenly a different child!
Now DS1 is progressing with the symptoms and had a rash on his neck this morning. Baby had a rash in the fold of his neck too but it looked different, so I'm not sure if that's the same thing or not.
Got another Doctors appt tomorrow, with a different doctor this time.

Hoping they will at least listen and treat us as a family case.
My guess from searching online of our symptoms is a strep A bacterial infection.
That would explain why DH has managed to steer clear (so far!)
He's not without trouble though; has come home from work twice this week with gall stone attacks. Not fun.
Me I'm ok. Still sick too but I can alternate panadol, chocolate, vitamin C, tea and whiskey as needed - not necessarily in that order! Lol