Author Topic: What on earth can I feed him??  (Read 5288 times)

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Re: What on earth can I feed him??
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2015, 21:32:08 pm »
For fish, can you just make a really light white fish, tilapia, and cook until really soft in maybe olive oil??? Or steam some way in a foil pouch?? That might be easy enough to eat with no dairy.

I would do scrambled eggs, plain or with some water if it makes them a bit softer?

I used olive oil and the earth balance dairy and soy free spread or coconut oil for all cooking with DS. I tried making my own baby food but honestly with him not tolerating some foods, I ended up buying Beechnut brand baby food as they had basically only real food ingredients and not the extra junk that would bother DS. I don't know if they sell them by you but over here they've changed their product to non-GMO and have organic choices which usually are free of the dairy and soy stuff.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 21:36:31 pm by ~*Nicole*~ »

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Re: What on earth can I feed him??
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2015, 08:40:42 am »
omelet might be easier for finger food, I use one of those dinky one-egg pans, it is amazingly fast to whip up an egg. I use some veg oil and just the beaten egg (no water or milk added), after a little cooking I fold the omelet in half in the pan whilst the inside is still a little wet so the two halves stick together making a much fatter omelet which is easier to cut into fingers/chunks. (and let it cook on low half a minute, turn and cook through from the other side too)

fish - how about the packs of fresh fish sold for fish pie? A little variety of a few different types of fish already cut into finger food sized chunks. For a LO like this I would just drop a couple into a small pan of water to boil, it would be cooked in moments.  I sometimes use those fish pie packs, I take a few mins to re-pack the pieces into DS sized portions (here it's say 3 pieces of fish per meal) in freezer bags so that day-to-day I can just pull one bag from the freezer to thaw. I don't use a microwave but I'm sure you could micro a couple of pieces.

for instant food how about pre-cooked canned beans (the ones in just water no sugar/salt) such as chickpeas black eyed beans, kidney beans, pinto, butter beans?  If he is practising pincer grip he'll have fun picking them up and literally all you have to do is open the can and rinse them in a sieve.  You can also whizz/mash them (preferably with an egg once you've trialled, add any left over veggies) and fry off patties or fill a mini muffin tray and shove it in the oven for them to set into handy LO-sized portions which can be frozen.  I really don't think home baking/cooking needs to be fancy recipes or a load of faff, I would just aim to produce a batch of something which will fill him up and be as convenient as possible for you.

coconut - have you tried the small sachets of coconut milk?  They come in a box of about 4 sachets, maybe this could be an option for some sort of baking or adding coconut to other things if you wanted?  You'd get the coconut without all the water iyswim. It says to melt the contents by dropping the sachet into hot water for a few mins but actually if it's not the middle of winter (and really cold) you can just open the pack and spoon out the contents.

there's an oaty chew recipe here
Re: Finger Foods (6 months+)
Use oil and a bit of water, no need for butter/milk and just add whatever flavours/fruits you know are ok. For dried fruit you can whizz it up (fruit and oats) to make the whole chew smoother. These really are very easy and super fast to make. And freeze great, I always felt like they were convenience food because I could lift a few out and pop them in a tub to take out and they would defrost by snack/lunch time.
You could try one with grated carrot or sweet potato which would be something like the Goodies oat chew
(the shop shelf chews have allergy warnings on but if you look at the ingredients it is basically the same as the basic oat chew recipe but with various fruit/veg/juice added for the variety of flavours they stock. I sometimes bought the Goodies packs, they are smoother than plain oats but if you whizz the oats before you start it comes out very similar)

Another pre-made baby food is cow and gate, again I've not used but they have a couple of dairy/gluten free foods:

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Re: What on earth can I feed him??
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2015, 10:55:03 am »
Liz  my DS was dairy, soy and gluten free until 18 months. It was difficult for us because it was not a "lifestyle choice" where DH and I were doing it as well and it often meant me cooking 3 different meals, one for each of us and it was such a pain ::)

Eggs - I did yolks only until 18 months, as the whites are the allergenic part.  I would put two yolks in a bowl with about a tablespoon or two of his formula (just poured a touch from a made-up bottle).  Scramble them up or mix them and lie them out to cook and be cut in strips. DS loved them.    Using yolks-only was a lot of waste, I used to pretend I was going to keep the whites and make something with them but as if I ever did ::)  I just accepted that they were getting thrown out.  Occassionally on a weekend I would put the whites from DS's eggs into a bowl with whole eggs for DH and I and we would have extra white in our omelette or scrambled egg but not often.   

Coconut milk - I made it into rice pudding. I think it was just a can of coconut milk mixed in a dish with pudding rice and baked, with cinnamon on top....whatever it was, it was easy, I just don't remember.  But I am pretty sure it was a recipe from anna. 

I used to make quinoa, or different GF-grains porridge and pilaf type dishes but I always found it a lot of work for the amount that DS ate.

Fish - about 9-10 months I started giving DS some salmon.  I got boneless fillets from the supermarket (fresh or frozen) and poached them in a pan with a bit of his formula.  Just to make them softer than baking them.  Once he got better at gumming his meals I just baked them in the oven the same way I do for DH and I.  Chopped a few sweet potatoes or squash cubes and put them on the tray next to the fish and then he could have that with it.  From about 9-12 months it was DS's favourite meal!

The famous BW sausage recipe (annabel karmel) is also really good.  It calls for chicken breasts or thighs to be put into the food processor raw, and chopped up that way, but you can also use store-bought minced chicken/turkey for less mess. Mix the meat together with one grated apple and some herbs, shape into thumb-sized sausages and bake or fry.  They do need a flour coating on them but with DS I used to use rice flour - I am sure you can get a better GF flour mix for them.  But rice flour was fine.  We all like them and we often make them now for picnic food :)

Will be back if I think of more....