Two more things I wish I had known before re BF:
- feel free to feed from both breasts; just offer second side when baby is not interested in first one - he/she may surprise you and take more from the second side; my son was a sleepy baby and wasn't taking much weight in first days - it changed diametrically when I started offering second breast - not to mention that he wasn't waking for feeds and didn't show any hungry cues
- there are no 3 kids of milk in breast and you don't have to wait for 15min until "dinner milk" will come: we believe now rather that it's just foremilk and hindmilk (without any dessert at the end) and foremilk can be gone very quickly and transformed to hindmilk - when I asked BF consultant, she told me that already after 1-2min it's probably baby is getting hindmilk.
Hope that helps.