Author Topic: Window blinds shut or open for sleep time?  (Read 1321 times)

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Offline shira1206

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Window blinds shut or open for sleep time?
« on: August 18, 2015, 09:53:19 am »
I have a strange question - My 4.5 LO has a pretty good EASY routine (knock on wood, every time i say something change comes by...  :P ) and when she sleeps during the day i put her in crib, then close the window blinds (almost entirely but not all the way - but the room is pretty dark i might say). Then when i hear here waking (i know when) i go and open the blinds. then she lifts her head up and looks around (she sleeps on tummy).
before i open them she fusses and turns her head side to side, makes cranky noises like she wants to wake but it's hard for her (i know shes waking because it's been 2h since she went for her nap)
for her morning wake it's the same thing with the blinds.

Is this the way to go or should i just leave them a bit more open so she can just wake on her own (i felt she sleeps better when room is darker) - because i started thinking she may need me to open them to really wake.
she will be moving to her own room soon, and i thought i could leave them a bit open so she can wake in the morning without me needing to get out of bed and open the blinds, but on the other hand I don't want her to wake at 5AM with the sun. maybe she got so used to sleep without much light that when there is light it's a sign for her to wake?

like i said, strange question...
thank you.

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Re: Window blinds shut or open for sleep time?
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2015, 09:57:39 am »
I wouldn't leave them open as like you say she will likely just wake when it gets light. Or you could try and if that happens go back to closing them?
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Offline shira1206

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Re: Window blinds shut or open for sleep time?
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2015, 10:02:28 am »
Yes, i guess i can try.
for me first light wakes me up so that's why blinds are shut in my room... but I can see how she reacts to open ones.

so it's OK i go in and open them when i hear her wake?
I think it's due to her sleeping on tummy maybe it's harder to "just" wake. because I didn't want her to get used to the fact that i am there the second she wakes.
