Hello friends,
My son was sleeping really well from 1-3 months, and then one night it fell apart. He was sleeping for 6 hours straight, feed, then slept for another 4 hours, feed, then one more hour. Now I'm lucky if he sleeps for 2 hours at a time. It has been about a month and he still sleeps from 45 minutes to 2 hours at a time. I'm starting to lose it and I feel awful not giving my son my best, and my husband. We recently bought a house and I'm doing a lot of the fixes while my MIL watches the babe. Could this change in schedule and area cause this change in sleep pattern? Is this stress changing my breastmilk so he can't settle? I'm at the end of my rope and just don't know what to do. He's now 4 months going on 5 and hasn't slept like he used to. Any help, please!!!!