B is sleeping rather better than in the past, not perfect but an improvement
He is at nursery 3 days a week and will sleep 2h+ fairly consistently, but at home he will quite often stir around the 55min mark, sometimes need a resettle, and then max out at around 1h30. Which is ok but he struggles to get to bedtime without getting OT but doesn't tend to respond very well to EBT (fights it until usual sleep time unless totally exhausted - he is very clock-driven)
Routine is pretty consistent with set times
WU ~6.30 currently (yahoo!), sometimes a bit earlier but has been chattering to himself - previously 5.30-6 was his normal for a LONG time
Nap 11.45/12 - just started to ask nursery to wake him at 2pm as we were finding BT a struggle if he napped much longer, 1h10-30 is typical at home right now
BT 7
Sleeping environment at home is in cot, in the dark, self settles with lovey. At nursery he sleeps in a kind of reclined bouncy chair thing
I'm not sure if the shorter naps at home are less stimulation/UT, or if the longer ones at nursery are a bit OT but because of the bouncing he can stay asleep....he can usually make it to nap time without major tired signs at home but settles very quickly so I'm in two minds as to whether a slightly later nap on home days is the right way. Any thoughts/instincts?