Author Topic: Nap nightmares!  (Read 2766 times)

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Offline Jennafrappafrubalacca

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Re: Nap nightmares!
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2015, 14:22:07 pm »
Hello again.

Well I've given him a really good shot with the naps the past week and I've actually seen an improvement. He definitely needs 2hrs A time or he won't go down. I've also started giving him a cuddle for 5 mins when I notice him getting drowsy as it seems to encourage the sleepiness rather than just moving him which often makes him all alert again. Past few days EASY:

E - 07:15
A - 07:15 - 08:15
S - 08:15 - 11:00 (had to wake for next feed)
E - 1:00
A - 11:00 - 12:50
S - 12:50 - 13:40 (woke early, tried to shush pat to sleep but was wide awake)
A - 13:40 - 15:00
E - 15:00
A - 15:00 - 16:00
S - 16:00 - 16:45 (very difficult to settle ?overtired)
(Feed and bed as usual at 19:00 then dream feed at 11:00)

E - 08:00
A - 08:00 - 09:45
S - 09:45 - 10:15
A - 10:15 - 11:30 (woke from nap and wouldn't go back down)
S - 11:30 - 12:00
E - 12:00
A - 12:00 - 13:50
S - 13:50 - 16:00
E - 16:00
A - 16:00 - 19:00 - wouldn't nap!!!
(Feed and bed as usual at 19:00 then dream feed at 11:00)

E - 06:45
A - 06:45 - 08:45
S - 08:45 - 11:15 (woke briefly 09:15 - 09:30 but shush pat back to sleep)
E - 11:30
A- 11:15 - 13:15
S - 13:15 - 15:15
E - 15:30
A - 15:15 - 17:15
S - 17:15 - 17:50
(Feed and bed as usual at 19:00 then dream feed at 11:00)

I'm managing to get the morning and afternoon nap in this proper crib then the evening nap is a bit hit and miss. He's also started sleeping through the night!!!! Yay!!!! Although the 4 month sleep regression has just started which, if things don't improve I may need some advice on!

Do those EASY times loook good/acceptable? He's now 15 weeks so almost 4 months. Thank you again for your help, I definitely feel like your advice has made a big difference to how I'm coping and the naps we are now managing to get  :)

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Re: Nap nightmares!
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2015, 22:16:27 pm »
Well you certainly sound much happier and more positive than when you began the thread, that has to be a good thing :)
Your routine is a bit inconsistent but if you feel ok and if LO is going down relatively ok then it's fine.  He's getting some good naps in, it's just not consistent at which time of day he's getting them, if his mood is generally ok and if you feel ok to follow his cues and go with the flow a bit then really I would just continue as you are.  It must help you feel more rested that he is sleeping through the night, I hope you are making good use of that time and getting a good rest yourself :)

However, if you are not feeling quite so positive as your post sounds then we can certainly look again at the routine.  I don't want you to be suffering (like in that first post :( ) without saying so, you know?  How you feel about things is very important.

Offline Jennafrappafrubalacca

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Re: Nap nightmares!
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2015, 07:37:26 am »
I think part of the inconsistentcy is because he sometimes wakes up before 7 (5-6am) so it messes his feeds up so then moves his A and nap times around a bit. I'm hoping he'll start to become more consistent with the time of the first feed which, actually, I think he is starting to do. I'm fairly happy that he gets one good long morning nap, an OK afternoon nap and a bit of an evening nap which is an improvement on where we started! I've learnt to relax a bit and follow him more rather than the clock and not panic if for one day his EASY is in the wrong order! As long as he's feeding at the right intervals and getting a few naps in I generally feel OK.

We had about 3 nights of STTN properly but now he wakes at around 2,4 & 5....not for feeds just because he is fussing which is why I think he's hit the 4 month sleep regression  :(

I'm also wondering about when/if to wean the dream feed and when/if to start weaning early as he has terrible reflux but am I best posting in the respective forums for that?

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Re: Nap nightmares!
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2015, 19:32:45 pm »
The 4 month sleep regression usually effect naps more than nights IME.

It really does sound like you're doing well and much happier :)

DF wean tends to be 6 months or even later.  Starting solids early can help some refluxers but makes others worse.  But do feel free to begin new threads on the appropriate boards :)

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Re: Nap nightmares!
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2015, 01:20:44 am »
Just thought I'd let you know that we managed to solve the frequent crying in the night by moving him in to his own room :) I think he was getting upset because he could see us but we weren't picking him up.

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Re: Nap nightmares!
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2015, 14:21:24 pm »
Ah well that sounds great :)